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She Never Lets Me Take Her Portrait.

the subtle art of persuasion.

It seems to be a well known fact that most photographers can take incredible images of other parents' children. It's such a rare bird, a photographer's kid who will willing step in front of the camera and find magic. I would estimate that it has been ten years since mine went willingly into the studio. I believe the key was allowing her to style the shoot herself. Hello pink sunglasses and faux freckles. But somehow, someway, in thirty short minutes, in a garage studio in progress, my darling girl let me do it. We made beautiful images together, because portraits are such a collaborative endeavor, that effortlessly captured her beauty, her quirky personality.

Sure there was a too short skirt, fishnet hose (where did these come from?!?) and hightop shoes that are absolutely stolen from Rainbow Brite's closet (also, where did these come from?!?!?!).

If we're being honest here, I know exactly where this weirdo fashion sense comes from. I, without a doubt, attempted, still attempt, will always attempt, to dress just on the fringe of proper society. It's hard to argue with your thirteen year old self, isn't it?

"I don’t do fashion. I am fashion."

- Coco Chanel

how do you do what you do to the ones you made?

What tricks do you keep up your sleeve for convincing your offspring to participate in your sessions? Bribery? Threats? Begging? I'm not above any of these things. For this session though, I just let her go. Next time around will most likely involve threats.

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